Digital Archive Talks
by E.J. Gold
IDHHB Archive Talks have been digitized for download
We are happy to report that many of the IDHHB Archive Talks Tapes/Cds have been converted to mp3 for
direct digital download. This removes the wait time for POD production, and
is much friendlier for international shipping and customs.
Select a subject at the left or search with the Google button (left bottom).
There are hundreds and hundreds of archive talks to choose from!
These invocational talks are direct transmissions from a School that reaches across time and space, life and death.
You are invited to participate in them as a listener within the private intimacy of the group. It's the next best thing to having been there.
You will find a list of subjects on the left side of this page. Merely click on a subject to see the archival recordings that are available. They date from 1970 to the present.
Hear what you've missed
Hear what you've missed when E.J. Gold got together with Claudio Naranjo, A.H. Almaas, Lee Lozowick, Robert Anton Wilson, Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, John Lilly, Murray Yagan, Reshad Feild, David Atkinson, Marilyn Gossen, Stan Howard, Patricia Elizabeth, Flying Karamazov Brothers, Amanda Foulger, Mary Houston, John Reynolds, Eve Ilsen, Armando Molina, Toni Lilly, Heather Valencia, Glenn Perry, Lee Perry, Martin Silverwolf, Dru Kristel, Dr. Abe Levitsky, Larry Roberts, Fritz Perls, core group and others.
Archive Talks are authentic work chamber talks of E.J. Gold recorded over the years under diverse and frequently not ideal recording conditions on location where the talks were given or radio interviews happened. Your Archive Talk may have sounds of a restaurant, city traffic or clinking of dishes at an invocational dinner, and many talks have questions and comments from students or audience members. These Archive Talks were originally available only on cassette.
Now they have been digitally remastered and converted to CD. SOON to be direct digital download.
The Body Kesdjan (First Talk)
(3 Disks)
This talk describes the completion and activation of the Body Kesdjan or Astral Body using the first two Tantric levels, the development of Will through the intentional exposure of weaknesses, and the first two fundamental rules of a School.
(mp3) $17.95
The Body Kesdjan (Second Talk)
(3 Disks)
This talk explores the mechanics for the extraction of first, second and third Being food and presents a wide range of invaluable work data relating to formation of the Body Kesdjan.
(mp3) $17.95
The Voice of Conscience
(2 Disks)
A talk on octaves, candidacy for the Work and the voice of conscience. Introduces the idea of "making everything quiet inside" as a condition for Work.
(mp3) $12.95
The Physical Body/The Pump
(1 Disks)
Side 1: A talk on the symbolism of the Tarot as it relates to the science of types and the assimilation of impressions.
Side 2: Reversing the flow of substances so they pass through man from the outer world to the inner world is the subject of this informal talk to an intimate group.
(mp3) $7.95
Talk on Soul
(2 Disks)
A talk on the acquisition and accumulation of substances needed for the formation of a vessel for the soul and the exact organic foods beneficial to this accumulation.
(mp3) $12.95
Mastering from Above
(3 Disks)
What is the objective purpose of human life? Becoming subject to higher laws and the sacrifice of Eternal Peace. This talk also explores the question, "Does God really suffer?" This talk has just been recently re-mastered to save this aging recording and also to restore and improve in a high fidelity professional recording studio the sound quality available for the serious student.
(mp3) $17.95
Center of Gravity Question
(1 Disks)
The method and use of Real Work Questions is presented in this very fundamental talk that is a blessing for newcomers.
(mp3) $7.95
(1 Disks)
This talk examines the possibility of living a three-centered life, economizing the use of centers, accelerating the flow of impressions and intensifying our attention.
(mp3) $7.95
(3 Disks)
This discourse provides precise definitions of laws and of the active and passive principles. Will be particularly appreciated by those familiar with the concept of the laws and their process of derivation and reflection.
(mp3) $17.95
Obligation and Slavery
(1 Disks)
Ordinary man, by trying to escape his own minimum obligation of personal suffering, increases his pain and suffering. Expansion beyond one's personal suffering is examined in this talk.
(mp3) $7.95
The Suffering of God
(3 Disks)
Psychometry, teachings intentionally recorded in artifacts, the nature of The Work, and the Unspeakable Sacrifice are explored.
(mp3) $17.95
Laws of the Work
(2 Disks)
A discussion of the objective purpose of human beings, the impossibility of attaining completion by mastery from below and the function of cosmic maintainers within the Work.
(mp3) $12.95
Early Autobiography
(3 Disks)
The stories from E.J. Gold are of the early years of pilgrimages and attempts at unlocking certain ancient artifacts containing work data.
(mp3) $17.95
Psychic Healing (First Night)
(3 Disks)
A public workshop led by Rob Newmarch which centers around a reading from Secret Talks IX and the ideas of voluntary and involuntary postures, impartiality, moving center and the machine, and the idea of resisting nature.
(mp3) $17.95
Psychic Healing (Second Night)
(8 Disks)
This talk on the conditions for the invocation of healing entities explores the effects of metal and electricity on a healing space, the major causes of illness and organic toxicity, the use of sound and certain scents and oils in the healing space, and the feeding habits of Chief Features.
(mp3) $42.95
Chief Feature and Children
(2 Disks)
Man as he stands in nature is food for his Chief Feature entity which originates many of his activities, states and attitudes. This powerful talk explores the invocation and banishing of Chief Feature.
(mp3) $12.95
Objective Theater
(2 Disks)
This talk examines the function of man on the planet, his involuntary or voluntary feeding of lunar or solar entities, the invocation of entities by actors on stage, and the play as a form of invocation.
(mp3) $12.95
Children's Workshop
(4 Disks)
This talk examines the invocation of Lunar and Solar entities during childhood and its significance for child rearing, the importance of impartiality, the ingestion and absorption of the teacher, and the survival of data in work cell colonies through protein chains.
(mp3) $22.95
Objective Prayer
(1 Disks)
A discussion of the banishing of Chief Feature, our periodic "moments of freedom" from its influence, and the technique of initiating action during these moments of freedom.
(mp3) $7.95
Ancient Mysteries of the Resurrection
(3 Disks)
This workshop presentation explores the concepts of resurrection and reincarnation, as well as the invocation of Work forces and the recording of work-data in certain ancient artifacts.
(mp3) $17.95
Inaccessible Monasteries
(2 Disks)
This public talk describes how we are subject to the conditioning of the organic machine and how we can be either free or spontaneous.
(mp3) $12.95
Grace and Baraka
(6 Disks)
An open discussion with E.J. Gold, Murray Yagan and Fourth Way students on the difference between Baraka and Grace, and the significance of these forces in human life.
(mp3) $32.95
Theater Absolute
(6 Disks)
This discussion of ancient theater and the power of manifestations includes a powerful exercise for working with attention and the source of attention.
(mp3) $32.95
Healing with the Hands (Introduction)
(3 Disks)
This introductory lecture explores topics such as pain and sensation, time and the sensing of personal death, aging and increased human life span, belief structures which inhibit the healing process, and the principle of resonance and electrical receptivity of the body.
(mp3) $17.95
Healing with the Hands (Workshop Talk)
(2 Disks)
A discussion of the electrical fields of the body in connection with attenuation and bio-stasis, muscular triggers for alternative states of reality, associated brain-wave alternations and techniques for organically self-conditioning one's own after-life.
(mp3) $12.95
Healing with the Mind (Workshop Talk)
(4 Disks)
A discussion of stilling the body through nonattachment, voltages of bioelectrical currents within the body, higher frequencies of perceptions, cycles of sensation, connecting the chakras, "hooding the cobra," and mastery of attention, visualization and observation.
(mp3) $22.95
Healing with the Head
(3 Disks)
In a question and answer format, this talk covers topics such as symptoms of concern, changing habits in the musculature of the body and associated neurological responses, centers and their associated sensation, and the necessity for responsibility.
(mp3) $17.95
Alchemical Sex (Introductory Talk)
(3 Disks)
An exploration of various effects of the sexual experience, breath alterations and skin conductance in relation to sweating and muscle control, ideas of creation in Tantra and the early development of habits.
(mp3) $17.95
Alchemical Sex (Workshop Talk)
(3 Disks)
In a question and answer format, many topics are explored including alchemy, creative visualization, blending into one form with a partner, food and digestion, your partner as the yantra, and the merging of bioelectrical fields.
(mp3) $17.95
Alchemical Sex (Third Talk)
(3 Disks)
A discussion on centers and stress functioning levels, the accumulation and use of sexual substances for spiritual evolution, and Taoist tantric rituals.
(mp3) $17.95
In Search of the Ordinary
(2 Disks)
This talk includes a discussion of the Five-Fold Mastery (mind, breath, emotions, appetite and sex), working with the natural flow and tempo of life, the transformation of ordinary experience into evolutionary work, and the role of Avatars and Tulkus.
(mp3) $12.95
Conscious Birth, Sex and Death
(2 Disks)
In this talk, E.J. Gold examines the question "sensation + fear = pain." If one were to remove fear, the equation would balance in a new way. This talk also includes a discussion of the Sacrifice of Infinity.
(mp3) $12.95
Reincarnation Awareness
(2 Disks)
Topics covered in this talk include being in the organic machine, the biological body and its use for transformation, escape from the cycles of birth and death, periods of blackout, essence and psyche, and the dangers of being a "space-junkie".
(mp3) $12.95
(3 Disks)
Your partner as the Guide, the Cosmic Computer, soulmates and essence friendships, the Here and Now, the trap of enlightenment and removing the veils.
(mp3) $17.95
Conscious Childbirth
(3 Disks)
(mp3) $17.95
Public Talk with E.J. Gold, Reshad Feild....
(4 Disks)
An intimate discussion of the broader aspects of the Sufi path. This talk is a practical demonstration of "opening the door," exposing the secret of reincarnation.
(mp3) $22.95
Gorilla My Dreams
(3 Disks)
A public talk, beginning with a lighthearted television interview. The subject of transformation is explored here.
(mp3) $17.95
The Making of the American Book of the Dead
(2 Disks)
This talk on the American Book of the Dead covers such topics as the difference between psyche and essence, the development of the essence and how it takes rebirth, the mechanism and breakdown of the psyche, death as a form of stress, the corridor of madness, transit tracking, recurrence and the Bardo Thodol.
(mp3) $12.95
New Age Center Talk
(2 Disks)
A talk on Science Fiction Writing, space changes, animating the story with attention, the seed of death contained in life, spiritual work and life-sized Bunraku puppetry.
(mp3) $12.95
Esoteric Alchemy
(2 Disks)
Workshop with Rob and Shelley Newmarch and E.J. Gold. This startling presentation of techniques for transforming the human chemical factory into an "alchemical laboratory" includes presentation of the concept of the Adamic Body.
(mp3) $12.95
Saturday Morning Talk
(2 Disks)
E.J. Gold. The mechanics of Alchemy are explored with an emphasis on accumulated understanding as a basis for the assimilation of Work data.
(mp3) $12.95
Terminal Midwifery: The Gentle Art of Dying
(2 Disks)
David Atkinson and Marilyn Gossen. Terminal Midwifery is an approach for preparing terminal patients for death through the use of trained "Terminal Midwives." In this panel discussion, David and Marilyn explain the function of terminal midwifery within the community.
(mp3) $12.95
How the Teacher Works
(2 Disks)
In this talk, Lee stresses the practical reality of the Work in terms of Self-remembering and Self-forgetting and includes several anecdotes from Lee's past experiences in the Work.
(mp3) $12.95
Objective Art
(3 Disks)
Lee Lozowick, Menlo Macfarlane, Zoe Alowan and E.J. Gold. This free-wheeling panel discussion on Objective Art includes several definitions and examples of Objective Art and its significances in the transmission of Work ideas.
(mp3) $17.95
Moments of Freedom
(2 Disks)
David Atkinson, Marilyn Gossen and Stan Howard in this workshop present important information about Chief Feature and its spontaneous periodic banishing during "moments of freedom." The art of "waiting not impatiently" is described and illustrated with examples, and a powerful exercise for working with moments of freedom is presented.
(mp3) $12.95
Objective Prayer Workshop
(2 Disks)
Jerry Berman explains the ritual and practice of Objective Prayer, including techniques for recognizing and acting within "moments of freedom." Includes the presentation of an important sensing exercise from the Japanese School of Sumi-e Painting.
(mp3) $12.95
Transformational Massage/Conscious Sleep
(3 Disks)
Side I, II, III: Meg McDonnell and Pat McKenty discuss in this workshop presentation the use of Transformational Massage treatment to expose the body to a mild organic shock. In the resulting state of imbalance, the individual has a greater ability to sense the habits and postures locked in the body's musculature and greater freedom to crystallize new habits.
Side IV: Mike McDonnell in this workshop talk explains how to regain the habit of remaining conscious throughout our nightly sleeping periods. Includes techniques for pacifying the physical body, and allowing the astral body to become active.
These are bardo training techniques.
(mp3) $17.95
Contamination of Work Cell Colonies
(2 Disks)
Rob and Shelley Newmarch. This workshop talk stresses the necessity of organic purification for promoting the growth of "Work Cell Colonies" within the organic machine.
(mp3) $12.95
Fourth Way Awards Banquet/Toast of the Idiots
(3 Disks)
Awards and idiot toasts at the Granlbakken 4th Way Convention. Features E.J. Gold and Lee Lozowick, Clifford and the Wizard, work data, music and comedy. Menlo Macfarlane serves as an offbeat Master of Ceremonies. The reading explains invoking work entities through posture and movement, and what to feed a solar entity.
(mp3) $17.95
Secret Esoteric Teaching Within Star Wars
(2 Disks)
E.J. Gold and Robert Anton Wilson take a wonderful and playful look at the major symbolic metaphors of this contemporary archetypal story. Tongue-in-cheek but totally artful and impeccably outrageous!
(mp3) $12.95
The Eight Selves Within Us
(2 Disks)
Robert Anton Wilson gives an introduction to his popular workshop on the eight circuits of the evolving human nervous system.
(mp3) $12.95
Secrets of the Illuminati
(2 Disks)
Features Robert Anton Wilson and E.J. Gold revealing many occult secrets of the oldest and most widespread conspiracy on the planet.
(mp3) $12.95
The Black Sheep Evening
(1 Disks)
This is an introduction to the Black Sheep material. Excellent for the novice.
(mp3) $7.95
Objective Art II
(3 Disks)
Panel discussion with Robert Anton Wilson, Claudio Naranjo, E.J. Gold and the Flying Karamazov Brothers. The difference between subjective and objective art is explored by each of the panel members. They explain how being temporarily free from the work hypnosis can provide a Moment of Freedom in which objective art can be created.
(mp3) $17.95
Poetry Reading
(1 Disks)
Claudio Naranjo. Stories and poetry composed and read by Claudio give the listener intuitive perceptions into the evolution of human spirituality.
(mp3) $7.95
What Do You Know For Sure?
(1 Disks)
Questions are answered by Robert Anton Wilson and E.J. Gold. The focus of this talk is a powerful meditation utilizing the question "What do you know for sure?"
(mp3) $7.95
Work Aptitude
(3 Disks)
Lee Lozowick, during the September 1981 Convention, the "Conference of the Birds," gives an informative talk on perspectives of Work aptitude and attitude as well as stages of growth and change within the Work.
(mp3) $17.95
Transit Talk - First Talk
(2 Disks)
A talk to new students about teaching methods, being asleep and awakening from the dream, and why many people cannot come to a school. The second cassette, Transit - Third Stage, is a precise descriptive talk on the first, second - and especially the third - stages of transit, including some unique perspectives on rebirth.
(mp3) $12.95
Transit Talk - Second Talk
(1 Disks)
Movement from one world to another, closing the door to the womb, the Gurus, Grace, and reception of Baraka.
(mp3) $7.95
Transit Talk - Third Talk
(2 Disks)
This talk focuses on Liberation and the Guru.
(mp3) $12.95
(1 Disks)
This Pacifica Radio interview with Sheikh Al-Wahshi demonstrates again that words cannot express or do justice to the Sheikh's unique message. Side 2 is a reading from the book Spontaneous Surrender.
(mp3) $7.95
Interview with Amanda Foulger
(1 Disks)
Amanda Foulger interviews E. J. Gold.
(mp3) $7.95
The Hitler and Jesus Talk
(1 Disks)
Assuming responsibility for the inner and outer worlds and the work of consciousness is examined in this talk.
(mp3) $7.95
The Grapefruit Talk
(2 Disks)
This talk explores the place of humanity within the universe, creation cycles, isolation from the cosmos and fear of unity, and the question of what survives the cycles of death and rebirth.
(mp3) $12.95
The Six Worlds/The Valentine's Day Talk
(2 Disks)
Side 1: An exploration of the six worlds in which humanity lives. These worlds are not psycho-physical. Side 2: A talk to new study group on work attitudes, including a discussion of the hopeless idiot and the enlightened idiot. Call for Availability.
(mp3) $12.95
Cosmic Acupuncture
(1 Disks)
A reading and musical play from the book,A Child's Guide to Altered States of Consciousness. Also on side 1 and continuing onto side 2 is a reading from the bookCosmic Acupuncture: the Spiritual Science of DNA -- a manual of black box training. -- Call for Availability.
(mp3) $7.95
The Grapefruit and the Ghost
(2 Disks)
Similar in presentation to the Grapefruit Talk, this talk includes a discussion of man and Being, the occurrences necessary for the formation of a soul, and the solar plexus as a "black box" (an unknowable and internally inaccessible source of catharsis).
(mp3) $12.95
The Dhammapada Talk
(2 Disks)
A talk on death, transit and rebirth; the difference between the "psychotic" and the "mystic"; "Be-ing" in nonexistence and experiencing the between-lives state before organic death.
(mp3) $12.95
Tank Orientation (First Talk)
(1 Disks)
Topics include biofeedback states in the brain wave frequency bands, using the tank to work with these states, and the process of producing between-lives experiences. This talk has been remastered and included in The Tank Talks CD-T239.
(mp3) $7.95
Tank Orientation (Second Talk)
(1 Disks)
This talk focuses on the use and function of the tank, including a presentation of its use to reflect one's own essential nature and a startling revelation of the method for using the tank as a gateway to another world.
(mp3) $7.95
The Brute World on $5 a Day
(2 Disks)
The third in a series of talks on the sensory attenuation tank. The gateways leading from one world to another and the method for surviving sudden translations between worlds are openly discussed with a small, private group. (This talk has been re-mastered to improve the sound quality and also is included as part of the 5 cassette series The Tank Talks TP239.)
(mp3) $12.95
(3 Disks)
This talk explores the body which operates during the transit experience (the Body of Habits), how it guides itself through transit to rebirth by habits mechanically accumulated through biological and psychological conditioning, and how special techniques can be used to consciously alter its conditioning for higher rebirth.
(mp3) $17.95
Study Group Talk
(3 Disks)
This talk to a Vancouver study group includes a discussion of the nature of psyche and essence, the formation of higher bodies, the surrender of psychological control and the moments of the Great Betrayal.
(mp3) $17.95
Being and Growth
(2 Disks)
This presentation of the process of growth within Creation includes an examination of the states of confront, super-confront and non-confront.
(mp3) $12.95
Content versus Context in Godlife
(2 Disks)
A lecture given by Lee Lozowick.
(mp3) $12.95
Mystery Schools - A Satirical View
(1 Disks)
Lee Lozowick discusses the Ascended Masters and the mystery schools that teach one to separate from the body and "float around in realms of light." He also talks about mystical initiation experiences and confrontation with the Raw Divine.
(mp3) $7.95
Concern is Your Concession to Unconsciousness
(1 Disks)
An excellent talk given by Lee Lozowick.
(mp3) $7.95
(2 Disks)
A lecture given by Lee Lozowick.
(mp3) $12.95
All My Sins Are On the Surface
(2 Disks)
Lee Lozowick talks about his encounter with a long-time student of Gurdjieff, and Gurdjieff's statement, "All my sins are on the surface." The ordinary man does not recognize his sins while at the same time feeling guilty about things that are not sins.
Lee discusses purity of intention and internal integrity, alignment of centers, recognizing help, and the development of real compassion.
(mp3) $12.95
The Alarm Clock Fable and Other Tales
(2 Disks)
Tales told to a group by Lee Lozowick. Lee Lozowick states we are realized, enlightened beings -- the problem is we are asleep; we need to wake up.
(mp3) $12.95
The Five Strivings
(2 Disks)
A discussion of the Five being-obligonian strivings preserved in Gurdjieff's book Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson. Also the inhibiting effect of the mental apparatus, momentary satori, sensing, Prayer Absolute, angelic conductivity and shattering the mental apparatus are explored.
(mp3) $12.95
The Whirlpool Talk
(3 Disks)
The method of service and the function of a work community as a challenge. In this revealing talk, the truly esoteric idea of "Die before you die" is elaborated within the context of one student's personal dilemma -- a frank presentation of a universal barrier which few face.
(mp3) $17.95
Atmospheres of Transformation
(2 Disks)
This talk begins with a discussion of witchcraft and Christianity. Other topics include entering into and gaining the ability to work with "Work Atmospheres," ritual dinners. Prayer Absolute as an obligation, contemplation of the Man on the Cross, creation as a one-sided mirror of no dimension and angelic conductivity are discussed.
(mp3) $12.95
The One Voice
(1 Disks)
A fascinating and informative presentation of what the Fourth Way is in respect to the way of the Fakir, Monk, Yogi and Sufi. The purposes, identities and manifestations of a work community, the functioning of the one voice and the breath of God are vividly detailed.
(mp3) $7.95
Evolutionary Invocation
(1 Disks)
The process of evolutionary invocation causes the concentration of a presence and/or its attention out of the Face of God. The diffused state, serious meditation, the effects of invoked presence, the mystical "rubberado" and closing the door to open-house invocation are included.
(mp3) $7.95
History of Religions
(5 Disks)
This talk traces the traditions of hunting, marriage and tribal religions from prehistoric times up to the culturalization of Europe by Christianity. Unique historical data on the important role of Western Religion throughout medieval Western Europe and
its influence on Christianity is given.
(mp3) $27.95
Chamber Penetration
(2 Disks)
Beginning from a broader discussion of contemporary religious practices, this talk explores the characteristics of higher chambers and means of their penetration through storytelling and discourse. Also included is the "Empty Room" exercise.
(mp3) $12.95
Leave, Before It's Too Late!
(2 Disks)
Beginning with the question, "Is it possible to alleviate the suffering of God?", this talk examines the consequences of candidacy for initiation, the sacrifice of union, real questions, powers and attainments, the nature of sacrifice and the end of the
(mp3) $12.95
Voluntary Purgatory
(2 Disks)
Voluntary descent into self-imposed conditions of purgatory are a powerful means for the growth of conscience within the individual. Also, headbrain and tailbrain functions, lineage transplants and invocation of an Angelic host are discussed.
(mp3) $12.95
Man on the Cross
(2 Disks)
As any serious seeker can attest, Man on the Cross material is hard to come
by. The difficult and esoteric work idea of "Die before you die" is explored
within the context of voluntary reascension of the cross. Very esoteric
ideas are presented here with full candor. This talk is pan-religious and
erases all barriers between oneself and one's cosmic position.
(mp3) $12.95
Contamination Talk
(2 Disks)
The necessity for the decontamination of the chemical factory and machine as a condition of its transformation into an alchemical laboratory. The "great biological purpose" and the six causes of chemical changes within the machine are given.
(mp3) $12.95
Higher Bodies
(1 Disks)
The development of higher being bodies as vehicles of consciousness is discussed; the functions, conditions and activities of work communities are explored. Other topics include attention, obligation, laws of the work, organic man as a weed and
self-cultivated man.
(mp3) $7.95
Work as Business
(2 Disks)
This dinner talk was given at the Pan-Angelic Conference, the third annual
IDHHB Fourth Way Convention in September, 1982. Work ideas are presented
within a practical and common-sense context. Slavery to the "tube," the Work
as work, how to approach the Work and making one's survival dependent upon
one's own work are explored.
(mp3) $12.95
W.B.A.I Radio Interview - New York INNERVIEW
(2 Disks)
Mary Houston interviews E.J. Gold. In this lighthearted yet informative interview, Mr. Gold discusses the human biological machine, the chronic, transformation and the upcoming Chronic Workshop. A practical treatment of the subject provides the best
introductory single cassette talk for new students of the Work. Highly recommended.
(mp3) $12.95
The Chronic Workshop (First Day)
(3 Disks)
This talk begins with readings from The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus, and centers on the work question, "How can I create a place for myself in the Work?" Also, the mechanism of the chronic in the machine is conceptually
(mp3) $17.95
The Chronic Workshop (Second Day)
(5 Disks)
What is the Chronic? E.J. Gold talks on the biological machine's sleeping state and its transforming response to the directed attention and adoration of the essential self. The nature of negative emotions, the "wind-and-water" method of awakening the
machine, sensing the waking state and the power of discrimination are discussed during the second day of this remarkable New York workshop.
(mp3) $27.95
The Essential Self and the Machine
(2 Disks)
In this first easaphone conversation between the New York Study Circle and Core Group in California, the nature and behavior of the machine, the chronic and the essential self are explored.
(mp3) $12.95
The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational
(2 Disks)
This fascinating talk covers the machine as a four-dimensional tunnel through creation, the soul as raw material, turning on the alchemical factory, the illusion of time, and the creation in higher dimensions.
(mp3) $12.95
Evidence of the Machine in Sleep
(3 Disks)
Sensing the machine in sleep, the sixty-day exercise to gather "Exhibit A," beginning steps to awaken the machine, transference from the machine to a nonphenomenal self then to the Being, and eating consciously are discussed. Parker Dickson offers three
new work folksongs.
(mp3) $17.95
Awakening the Machine
(2 Disks)
This talk covers the subjects of Alchemy, Repairing the Heart, Head Brain/ Tail Brain. How to awaken the machine, letting the dead bury the dead, and the vision of higher dimensions are revealed in this informative presentation.
(mp3) $12.95
Work Aims
(4 Disks)
In this talk to senior students, Mr. Gold reveals that people do not know why they are in a work community. Work aims and purposes, work commandos, and invading the 4th dimension, reflexive evolution and the group as a mountain climbing expedition are
(mp3) $22.95
Conflict Management
(2 Disks)
This talk emphasizes the differences between the machine's problems and those relevant to transformation. Relaxing within the tension, life-repair and the resolution of organic problems as an inhibitor of the transformation effect are revealed. The
usefulness of this talk for practical work on self quickly becomes apparent upon listening.
(mp3) $12.95
The Chronic and the Waking State
(3 Disks)
E.J. Gold presents the qualities of the waking state and differences from the sleeping state. Consequences and conditions of movement from the sleeping to the waking state and back are explored. Ritual, theatre, transit, hypnotism, psychosomatic
diseases, The Work, Teacher as the guest and other domains are discussed as well, in relation to these states.
(mp3) $17.95
Presence and Negative Emotions
(3 Disks)
Inner transformation sooner or later comes to address the issue of negative emotions. This Montreal talk with partial French translations explores the nature and arising of negative emotions. Moving centrum sensations, higher emotions without mental
significance, presence of the essential self and banishing negative emotions are presented.
(mp3) $17.95
Transit Practitioners & Labyrinth Reader
(3 Disks)
This New York easaphone call to core group examines work on self in a controlled space, within the context of the American Book of the Dead -- Labyrinth Reader's Course. Learning how to function in higher dimensions, the power of the machine, the
function of mood in the waking state, koans and zhikrs are discussed.
(mp3) $17.95
The Work - An Introduction to What it is
(2 Disks)
This talk focuses on the need for Group Work, doing the work of a Fallen Angel, transforming and healing radiations, and physiological changes in the biological machine as a response to transformation. An indispensable talk for those interested in
candidacy for the Work.
(mp3) $12.95
Peace of Mind or The Work
(2 Disks)
This pre-movement workshop talk discusses the objective perspective of healing and peace of mind. It also discusses voluntary descent into hell as opposed to enjoying one's freedom, and the use of the movements.
(mp3) $12.95
Chicago Easaphone - Work Credentials
(2 Disks)
This easaphone conversation between the Chicago Study Circle and Core Group begins with references to the Redfin Material and magnetic center. Mr. Gold is asked to present his credentials for teaching this work and he answers beginners' questions
(mp3) $12.95
Winnipeg Easaphone - Transformation Necessity
(2 Disks)
This conversation with the Winnipeg group reveals the work question, "How can I make my transformation a necessity to the Work?" Recognition of organic emotions, transformation as opposed to evolution and "What is a Real Question?" are pursued.
(mp3) $12.95
Eternal Recurrence
(2 Disks)
The idea of perfecting the same lifetime through repetition as opposed to being blown by one's own Karma into running apparently different lifetimes in different bodies is presented. Creation as a mathematical equation, psychoanalysis, the fragmentation
of light and sound and penetration into the eternal moment are also discussed.
(mp3) $12.95
Morocco Dinner - Initiation of Men by Women
(3 Disks)
The possibility and process of mutual reciprocal initiation is explored. What do women want from men? What do men what from women? Unmasking the woman, man's fixations, alchemical sex and weaknesses as tools for work on Self are also covered.
(mp3) $17.95
Montreal Dinner - Alchemical Sex and Its
(4 Disks)
This talk with French translations begins with a reading from Secret Talks, Volume Six: The Seven Bodies of Man. The origins of Alchemy, generation of electrical force and exchange and transformation of exact substances through alchemical sex is
presented. Why a woman is like the Absolute (a shining grave) is explored.
(mp3) $22.95
Tantra Dinner with John Reynolds and E.J. Gold
(5 Disks)
Mr. Reynolds, a Tantra initiate, presents the primary tenets of Indian and Tibetan Tantra. The nature and differences of the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist paths are presented. Similarities in practice and origins of Buddhism and Fourth Way
ideas are explored. A fascinating and informative presentation of Work ideas.
(mp3) $27.95
Angelic Healing Workshop
(4 Disks)
This workshop examines the conditions and phenomena of the descent of healing entities, barriers to healing within the machine, the cause of illness and the cradle of the soul, and the invocation of presence. Tape 1 describes the origins of Gurdjieff's
work and Biblical scenarios.
(mp3) $22.95
Cossack Travellers Dinner - The Mask Workshop
(4 Disks)
The mask as a medium of essence expression, communication and self-healing is explored in this workshop. Participants focus and divide their attention as they create their own clay masks and learn to use them as reminding factors and vehicles for their
own work on self.
(mp3) $22.95
Working With Jewelry
(2 Disks)
The construction and work of jewelry modeled after designs that originated
in ancient cultures is explored. In this talk, the Work use and practical
work application of jewelry construction and marketing is discussed.
(mp3) $12.95
Work Group Functions
(3 Disks)
This talk reveals the purposes and functions of a work group. Heterosexual lesbianism, permanent bonding and Baraka, the no exit chamber, voluntary corruption, God's pursuit of man, posts and typicalities are also revealed.
(mp3) $17.95
Accessing the Waking State
(2 Disks)
This tape explores the efficiency and consequences of using different methods to achieve the waking state. Adoration of the machine is stressed and students reconstruct instructions given, but not recorded, concerning the Popcorn exercise and the
reversal of headbrain/tailbrain functions.
(mp3) $12.95
Wanting the Work
(2 Disks)
This direct talk to a senior work community explores the idea of learning to want the Work and then to need the Work. The failure syndrome, eternal recurrence in the Bingo Hall and a secret of attention are also presented.
(mp3) $12.95
Man on the Cross Workshop
(10 Disks)
This workshop is not a presentation of data but a group exercise designed to penetrate and assimilate the significance and mood of the Man on the Cross. For this reason, it has only been partially condensed. Students may order just tapes 5, 6 and 7 (for
$32.95) to sample this attempt to momentarily break the suffocation of self-esteem and penetrate the difficult method of dying before one dies for the purpose of entering the Work.
(mp3) $57.95
Out of Body Workshop
(7 Disks)
Work data on dreaming and sleep states, out-of-body experiences, the Face of God exercise and adoration of the machine.
(mp3) $37.95
Women in the Work I
(6 Disks)
Are there women in the Work? Can there ever be women in the Work? This workshop for women explores adoration of the machine, initiation of men by women, recognition of the machine in sleep and three work songs by Parker Dickson. It's just the thing for
that hard-to-let-go-of Male Myth.
(mp3) $32.95
When the Rapture Comes
(6 Disks)
This revealing discourse between E.J. Gold and Lee Lozowick begins with a discussion of Roman-occupied Judea and the crucifixion. The universe as a purely decorative object, creation and destruction cycles, the teacher as a guest, conflict management,
the danger of harmony and joining the Work Chain outside of Creation are explored in this informative discourse. Not for the timid.
(mp3) $32.95
Chief Feature & Negative Force
(2 Disks)
This revealing presentation explores the multiple meanings of the term "Chief Feature" and man's choice of whether or not to feed it. Equilibrium of tensions, modern superstitions, emotional bodies as psychic phenomena and feeding a higher dimension are
(mp3) $12.95
Breath of the Essential Self
(4 Disks)
An excellent invocational dinner talk in which Mr. Gold elicits from a group, with the help of two other groups by easaphone connection, the understanding and background for a precise formulation of a work idea. This invocation covers the awakening of
the heart, machine voice versus essential voice, nonphenomenal anatomy, correspondences between higher and lower dimensions and other fresh data related to group work towards awakening the machine.
(mp3) $22.95
(3 Disks)
An examination of the angelic character begins using the bookAngels by Peter Lamborn Wilson for comparison. E.J. Gold explores the activities and responsibilities of angels, their relationship to humans and the maintenance of Creation.
(mp3) $17.95
The Work Diet
(3 Disks)
Full title is "The Alchemical Foundation for the Accretion of Higher Substances or Is There Life After Mayonnaise?" This talk introduces and outlines a homeopathic diet that is most conducive to the ingestion and absorption of higher hydrogens used for
the formation of higher being bodies. Machine addiction, immunity and toxicity screens, elimination of wastes and poisons from the body, rancidity of food, digestion and absorption factors are all elaborated in relation to this life-saving diet.
(mp3) $17.95
The ABC's of Love
(3 Disks)
This outstanding talk presents love in the shamanistic view, distinguishing it from other meanings of the word love and forms of love in machine life. Information includes opening up to the breath of love, using attention to mold the force of love,
non-dependency and risk of real love, differences between love, God and lightning handlers. A revealing and perspective-altering discourse.
(mp3) $17.95
(4 Disks)
This talk begins from an historical and cultural perspective on shamanism and moves through topics such as seeing within expectations, the invisible world, drug-induced non-organic perception, holographic interpretive visions, shape-shifting, man and
woman in relation to the Work, the evolution of the Absolute, the creation as a single moment, accelerating one's experience of creation, and the shaman within the context of the work group.
(mp3) $22.95
Be Still and Know That I Am God
(2 Disks)
In this revealing presentation of work data and perspectives, E.J. Gold speaks on the Angel of Death, being the center of one's own mandala, the Man on the Cross, stillness and silence at the speed of light, light in infinite extension, eternity, the
void and the deathbed experience.
(mp3) $12.95
Survival for the Work
(2 Disks)
After a survival training intensive sponsored by the Institute, Lee Lozowick examines listeners' wishes to survive for the Work, body reaction, receiving help, the value of the Sangha and the death of the teacher.
(mp3) $12.95
Women in the Work II
(6 Disks)
New York workshop explores the cultural stereotyping and weaknesses and strengths of men and women in relationship to the Work. Relationships and the fragility of man, theatrical gender lines, work necessity, shamanism, and cleansing the self of identity
are discussed. This tape should be listened to as a follow-up to Women in the Work I.
(mp3) $32.95
The Work Dilemma
(5 Disks)
These two talks by Lee Lozowick, one of which includes the "Work Aptitude" talk, focus upon gaining necessity for working on self, being of real service to others, awakening the machine, changing one's perspective in relation to organic life, the Fourth
Way -- is it real?, and a method called "casino worship."
(mp3) $27.95
The R. & F. Invocation
(4 Disks)
Lee Lozowick and E.J. Gold join in a rollicking 1985 convention session that ranges from grim survival subjects to ribald expression of work ideas to the 100th Monkey Syndrome as a means of understanding The Work. Mr. Gold recommends this talk that uses
the analogy of "running & f--king" as a prime example of an invocation in which the content is not significant for its meaning but rather for indication of group mood-shifts and space changes that reveal how the invocation is proceeding.
(mp3) $22.95
1985 Attitude Horizon Convention Highlight
(2 Disks)
Opening session of the convention with E. J. Gold and Lee Lozowick. This panel discussion covers answering and not-answering work questions, use of the teacher's time and attention, and possibilities for evolution all through dialogue with convention
participants. Short samples of the R. & F. talk, 2 scenes from a performance of The Creation Story Verbatim and other excerpts are also included.
(mp3) $12.95
KVMR Sacred Dance Interview - Justin Val
(1 Disks)
In this Aquarian Vibrations show broadcast live in July, 1985, E.J. Gold and Menlo Macfarlane preview "The Oracle and the Garden," a sacred dance performance. Answering questions and trading stories with Justyn Vallori, they touch on the history of
objective theater, magical invocation, interdimensional travel, ritual and magical improvisation, persistence of neolithic dance traditions and other related topics. Menlo Macfarlane fills in the audience on Indonesian cooking in New York apartments,
African dance and percussion, shamanism in the work of modern dance master Nikolai and much, much more during the 90-minute program. He also demonstrates a dance step for the radio audience, possibly a first. Music clips are from Saturday Nite in the
Higher Dimensions. This is a lively, informative and fun interview.
(mp3) $7.95
Creation Story Verbatim - Studio recording
(2 Disks)
This is a studio recording of the classic play on Creation featuring the Lord God Herself and her trusty sidekick, the Archangel Gabriel. It's read by Grace Kelly Rivera and Robbert Trice who have been working with and perfecting these roles for over a dozen years.
Music and various sound effects have been added to accentuate the drama. They also help to convey the special mood of this classic on voluntary evolution. The result is a compelling soundscape which supports this eternal dialogue and divine comedy.
It has been said that all conversations can be heard in this conversation.
(mp3) $12.95
Work Intensity
(2 Disks)
How long, and what intensity of work on self is needed to bring one into a position where transformation is possible? Necessity to awaken the machine, the evolution of the Absolute, the immortality of the machine and the Law of Triads are all examined
in this very relevant talk for work on self.
(mp3) $12.95
One Last Question
(3 Disks)
Students attending a work tactical survival workshop are given the opportunity to ask their hypothetical last question of the Teacher. Attention and the waking state, accumulation of attention, tension and the Work, barriers to the waking state, and
catfighting are all explored in this survival training workshop. Learning how to survive with style is emphasized.
(mp3) $17.95
Bardo Preparation
(2 Disks)
This talk centers on electromagnetic radiations, higher bodies and colors in relation to the Work perspectives. Radiational effects are discussed in the context of the bardo or transit, the between-lifetime chambers. The astral body and the "in-sleep"
perspective are also presented.
(mp3) $12.95
Zenbo Archery
(2 Disks)
The mechanics and sensitivity of the Zen Bo are explored in this pre-archery workshop discussion. Attaching the arrow to one's own heart, shooting arrows in the dark, the nothing-left-to-lose dervishes, blind archers and the need for being "on" in
context with working in the Work are targeted for practical application.
(mp3) $12.95
Fear and Risk
(4 Disks)
At the Sacramento Convention, Lee Lozowick and E.J. talk about dying to ordinary life, overcoming fears and the necessity of risk-taking in the school. New Age imitation spirituality is debunked. The kind of attention needed for work, what it means to be
in the Work, and making oneself available to receive the teaching are also discussed.
(mp3) $22.95
Convention Discourse
(3 Disks)
E.J. Gold and Lee Lozowick. Lee talks about how a lot of people are attracted to the work ideas but are afraid to take any risks. Just listening to the ideas won't do anything. Work groups and entry into the work are discussed.
(mp3) $17.95
The Last Supper
(3 Disks)
A provocative pair of Convention dinner talks concerning Work Group invocations, shape shifting, the One Room exercise and the differences between a seance and an invocation.
(mp3) $17.95
Dressed in Drag
(2 Disks)
Traditionally many male shamans have adopted female clothing, to get in touch with their feminine side. This shamanistic practice of "Dressing in drag" and how one can learn from it is discussed here.
(mp3) $12.95
To Be Present With Attention
(3 Disks)
Samuel Avital is present for this vital discourse with E.J. wherein one student is put on "Lookout" for the Messiah and another is taken on a journey up "Shit Creek" to try and retrieve her life mantram.
(mp3) $17.95
Prayer Absolute and Discipline
(2 Disks)
What is the relationship of the Voyager to the Absolute? The necessity for discipline and the Creation as a dead lover are explored in this revealing talk.
(mp3) $12.95
Whole Body Attention
(3 Disks)
The machine and the electric bubble, expansion of one's own morphology, repetition in beginning work, expansion, contraction, focusing and withdrawal of attention are all explored.
(mp3) $17.95
Labyrinth Briefing Session
(3 Disks)
"Please extinguish all light. We are about to enter the primate sector...." In this fascinating talk, the Voyager's quatrain is examined in relationship to movement through the Labyrinth. Also, an encounter with what the Absolute sees is discussed.
(mp3) $17.95
The Rembrandt Tape
(1 Disks)
Required listening for all newcomers, this tape is an eye-opener on the subject of apprenticeship and its use in the studios of such masters as Rembrandt. E. J. Gold discusses how apprentices can earn a place for themselves in the studio of a master craftsman. This tape discusses apprenticeship, practical work, and the difference between coming to the Work to learn and coming to the Work to work. A fundamental talk that lays the ground rules for working with a teacher of any kind. Highly recommended.
(mp3) $7.95
Hart of the Labyrinth
(2 Disks)
Contemporary artist Dick Hart asks a question which begins this exploration, hence the title, "Hart of the Labyrinth". You will hear a discussion about an important work tool - the use of video games as a means of training yourself as a Labyrinth
voyager. Give yourself this opportunity to learn how to develop these new skills.
(mp3) $12.95
Is There Life After Zelda?
(4 Disks)
Problem solving in the labyrinth may utilize skills that are not readily acquired. The Zelda game requires a method, although limited, of learning how to think in other categories and how to look at things in a new way, as you might do in voyaging
situations. Join us on this fascinating discovery where many learning surprises await you.
(mp3) $22.95
An Evening of British Humor
(4 Disks)
These three 90-minute cassettes record the community gathered for an invocational dinner during which the impromptu comedy routines and jokes never quit. This humorous evening of repartee is recommended listening.
Words fail to convey the moods arising during one continuous listening of the entire invocation.
(mp3) $22.95
The Way of Right Action
(2 Disks)
A talk on the difficulties of working with attention in day-to-day life. Moments of being "on," exalted states, phenomenal outcomes, retaining one's Buddhahood, the dark side of the Force and the world beyond illusion are examined with references from
the film Golden Child.
(mp3) $12.95
The Premature Loss of the Will of the Machine
(2 Disks)
In this discourse with an individual who has made a break with organic strivings, the curse of organic life is explored. The assumption of wellness, the bottom of the well, organic belief structures, mainstream captors and the way down from apathy are
all examined with macrodimensional humor and objectivity.
(mp3) $12.95
The Nitro Medicine Ball
(2 Disks)
The Work as seen from the One Chamber is examined. The conscience of the King, keeping the ball aloft, super effort necessity, wake-up calls, borrowing Work will, timing and reliability and learning to die before you die are discussed in their
relationship to Obligation to the Absolute.
(mp3) $12.95
Brain Information Processing
(4 Disks)
In this fascinating discussion with some visiting scientists, the inability of the brain to represent the universe in its field of interpretation is unveiled. Life-form tracking through the DNA and the ultimate weapon against death are topics also
covered in this examination of the sensory apparatus of the human biological machine.
(mp3) $22.95
Why Be Here To Work?
(2 Disks)
In this birthday question, the benefits of working for the Work in a Work community are explored. Also, the topics of form versus content, form changing, what Work ideas are for, the feel of the Work, Work mechanics, and selflessness versus generosity
are examined.
(mp3) $12.95
Death vs. Eternal Life
(2 Disks)
An exploration of the macrodimensional significance of this important question. Also, the original moment of creation, the last temptation of Christ, the seduction of suicide, reading artifacts, Zen power yell, and the view from the cross are looked at.
(mp3) $12.95
The Path of Slightly Less Resistance
(2 Disks)
Shamanism and the riddle of the labyrinth along with the conditions of travel to the heart of the labyrinth are explored in this revealing talk.
(mp3) $12.95
Significance and Motivation
(3 Disks)
In this birthday question, "If nothing needs to be done, why is anything happening at all?" The removal of the social and primate directives is examined. Also, the creation of motivation from nothing, the alternative to human life, the significance of
human life in the higher dimensions, the height of inertness, purpose powering motivation and confronting the totality of reality are examined.
(mp3) $17.95
The Focus of the Work Community
(3 Disks)
In this birthday question, the direction and activities of the Work community are questioned as well as levels of perfection, the excrement of concentrated attention, cultural imperatives, art as a form of Work, and more adventures in the Gutai school of
painting. The question, "When are you Happiest?" is asked of members of the community.
(mp3) $17.95
The Two Attentions
(2 Disks)
The attention of the being is contrasted with the attention of the machine from a fourth dimensional perspective. Fear and the aesthetic tolerance to no time flow and movement as a fourth-dimensional figure are also examined.
(mp3) $12.95
Waging Work
(4 Disks)
"A being-task, or an essence-task, is any task that you do with attention and presence. . . The bottom line of everything is how much do you care?"
(mp3) $22.95
Class Discussion
(3 Disks)
This archival recording from 1976 of a question and answer session with Mr. Gold includes: Tantra and the importance of visualization, the floatation tank as an alternative to tantra, the key to space changes, discipline, habits and the technique of
substitution. Students discuss obstacles and difficulties in their work, and each one answers the primary school question - why are you here?
(mp3) $17.95
Lies, Contradictions & the Work
(4 Disks)
Why does the Work appear to contain so many contradictions? How does a teacher work with students? Why do teachers intentionally lie? What is the "most real" question you can ask? These and more are answered in this very candid and revealing talk by Mr.
Gold as he discloses methods he uses to prepare candidates for the Work. Other topics include what is required of someone wishing to work with Mr. Gold, one view of the initiation process, and the true story of "Oy Vey."
(mp3) $22.95
(3 Disks)
Mr. Gold's talk from June 1970 is the final session of a 6 week course on metaphysics he gave at the Sherwood Oaks Experimental College. It began with the opportunity to ask any question on metaphysics and the occult including Gurdjieff's work and
legacy, the Universal Mantra and how to work with it, the nature of space and paradoxes of time, the topsy turvey nature of one's beliefs about the world and much more.
(mp3) $17.95
Pir Al-Wahshi & Reshad
(2 Disks)
This public talk on various aspects of a life in the Work features two of the zaniest, but most lovable, characters in the transformational field. Self described as one voice speaking through two bodies they each talk about the source of their knowledge,
their current work, and the Work in a planetary context.
(mp3) $12.95
Introduction to Rebirth Stations
(2 Disks)
This tape has the effect of drawing attention to a certain quality of experience. What follows is a guided tour of various spaces and situations one may encounter in the Bardos usually in the third stage just prior to rebirth. The intention here is to
enable one to identify the bardo and rebirth spaces through recognition. Also discussed are suggested dos and don'ts for obtaining a good rebirth, and the real nature of the "boogie man."
(mp3) $12.95
Ken's Talk About Cosmo Street
(1 Disks)
Side A: Ken Paulson humorously recounts various events both real and
fictional from the Cosmo Street era. His whmsical roundabout storytelling
captures the mood and spirit of the times providing an unusual insight into
the work of the School on Cosmo Street.
Side B: A rare recording of improvised music from the same time period. The
audio quality has all the quaint charm of an old 78 without the scratches.
It also uncannily evokes the atmosphere and mood of `what's happening now'
back then in the mid '70's. This talk and musical recording hand in hand
effectively portray a timeless moment in the School history.
(mp3) $7.95
E.J. Gold on Marketing
(4 Disks)
A demonstration given to a group by E.J. Gold in 1985 on how to communicate
with someone on the telephone and make a difference in their life--a work
way of marketing music tapes.
(mp3) $22.95
2nd Council of Nicea
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Religious Rap w/ Dean Dimmer & Swami Devananda
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Replacing Myself
(2 Disks)
This valuable talk on preparing oneself to be in the Work combines the wit, wisdom and spiritual know-how of E.J. Gold, in discussion, with a group of his senior students regarding real concerns of ordinary life. Questions asked: 1. Will I have a better chance of getting into the Work if I do something other than the jobs I'm currently doing? 2. Should I try to replace myself in my jobs and do something else? 3. Once I've replaced myself, what do I do then? E.J. replies that one cannot get into the Work unless one is prepared. He asks if various forms of spiritual gaming have been tried as methods of preparation. In an attempt to answer these questions, he tells his students, "You have to think like an electron." Thereafter ensues a lively, illuminating discussion of Particle Physics, the Heisenberg Principle, and more.plasma clouds
(mp3) $12.95
A Walking Tour of BardoTown
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Lazy Man's Guide - Intro
(1 Disks)
A dramatic reading of the book by the author, E.J. Gold. Learn instantly, the lazy man's way, how to confront the symptoms of death and hang out in white light regions. Key passages read -- Symptoms, First Stage, The Clear Light with background music and sound effects.
(mp3) $7.95
Triad - Studio recording
(2 Disks)
Written by E.J. Gold and performed by the Voyager's Guild, the Triad play is recorded with one character on the left channel and one character on the right channel. You play the tape through both channels and hear the complete performance or you may play
the tape selecting only one channel. In this case you will be able to read the lines opposite the selected character.
(mp3) $12.95
The Comedy Challenge with E.J. Gold/Claudio Naranjo/Armando Molina
(3 Disks)
Recorded live at the 1987 Convention. Listen to these transformational
psychology celebrities outdoing one another in the medium some call the most
effective for transmitting work data. A no-holds-barred joke-telling session
based on the simpole rule of the previous joke told is supposed to lead into
the next joke.
(mp3) $17.95
The "Pearls Before Swine" Sermon
(1 Disks)
Recorded at the Transit Chapel in Crestline, Sunday, February 22, 1976. This
talk focuses on the American Book of the Dead. Topics include instructions
for Choosing Rebirth; the Six Worlds; how the Bardos go on all the time;
disintegration and reintegration of the Primal Elements of Consciousness;
the experience of the Void as the Ultimate Stress Point; the balance game of
Existence and Nonexistence; Liberation seen as something to be reached and
then transcended; the function of the Guide; the Mantram for closing the
Womb Door.
(mp3) $7.95
The French Talks
(9 Disks)
Complete. The unedited version of the French talks given from May 3 to May
7, 1982 at Meadow Vista, California. Ten hours total. Highly recommended by
Mr. Gold.
(mp3) $47.95
The No Bullshit Tarot Rap/The Yelling Se
(1 Disks)
Side A: No Bullshit Tarot, 1970. The topics include explanations of Tarot card meanings and how to read them; "real" readings as opposed to Peace and Love bullshit readings; the spiritual Self and what we can become. These readings are based on the
Albano-Waite deck.
Side B: The Yelling Sermon, March 28, 1976. Mr. Gold expresses his anger at the lack of integrity, caring and work efforts in the community. Topics include an individual's betrayal of the Work, and choosing between ordinary ego life and the life of a
Being. This one hits home!
Some of the topics discussed include: Voluntary Evolution; the organization of Study Groups; directions for the construction of Invocational Dinners; Prayer Absolute and The Man on the Cross; an informative explanation of "the Octave"; invoking and
provoking harmful presences; group invocation; the growth of a Soul; passage of an Angelic Presence; preparing for the Bardos; and lots more!
(mp3) $7.95
Helping the Helpless
(1 Disks)
This tape discusses working with the American Book of the Dead in the
voyaging space; doing readings to guide a Being through the Bardos;
establishing and maintaining contact with the Voyager; preparing in life for
what you confront in the Bardo; being thrown off balance into an unconscious
rebirth; experiencing the Bardo in the voyaging space; the Bardo seen as the
unraveling of one's own consciousness; the shock of being unprepared and
thrown from space to space in the Bardos.
(mp3) $7.95
Developing the Permanent "I"/Overcoming
(1 Disks)
Side A: Developing the Permanent "I." Topics include the dilemma of attempting to work before you have sufficient understanding of what you're trying to do; "If you can't get knowledge as a nonpermanent series of I's, how are you going to produce in
yourself the necessary Being-completion to get that knowledge?"; the nature of "changing understanding"; developing communication between the I's to produce a unified Human Being; lessening the shock of integration; placing identification with the Being
rather than with the body; the requirement of a strong "Being-shock" to produce the "Witness" or "Essence I"; the "Oh, no, not again" syndrome as your strongest ally for work. Side B: Overcoming Personality. Topics include the difference between
knowledge and information; the application of shocks and impressions needed to produce a real change in Being; and the efforts one must make in order to receive these shocks.
(mp3) $7.95
The Unseen Part of Art
(2 Disks)
1986. With art, all the public usually sees is the finished product; not the
process of how it was made and how it got into a gallery, home or museum.
E.J. Gold discusses the materials and techniques that go into production of
art in different media, including techniques used in ancient times; the
reproduction of important works and why it is necessary; art pricing,
dealing, collecting, and all the business details needed by a professional
artist or art dealer. He talks about what constitutes a masterpiece, and the
different ways art is evaluated by the artist, the public, dealers, and the
critics. He also mentions the idea of objective art as "traps" placed in
specific selected locations. This is a practical talk.
(mp3) $12.95
Oneness/The Attention of the Heart
(1 Disks)
Side A: Oneness: The highest form of creation is "the particle" from which comes all other forms. The failure of the human incarnation to awaken the soul leads to this condition known as "Oneness" or "sludge." The human body is a catalyst for the soul's
awakening. Its purpose is to infuse the soul with life by passing it through itself. If nothing "real" is done during the lifetime, the soul reverts back to sludge. This tape clarifies the differences between the body, consciousness, being and soul.
Side B: The Attention of the Heart: This talk, given on September 30, 1985 focuses on the different types of attention and primarily on the attention of the heart. Topics include directing the heart's attention at will just as you would the attention of
the mind or body; the idea of putting your heart into everything you do.
(mp3) $7.95
Moving Prayer
(2 Disks)
Given in 1984, this talk discusses: the danger of following leaders and being "had"; the emphasis on the sound in a chamber rather than the words and what they mean; accepting your slavery to the endless round of death and rebirth; learning to trust
yourself; the difference between being a character in a game with no choice and subjecting oneself to higher law; being responsible for one's own trip and the unreliability of one's own experiences.
(mp3) $12.95
Plasma Talk
(1 Disks)
"Your ordinary body above the speed of light is a plasma." This talk from
January 7, 1990 focuses on: the goal of Zen; the conditions necessary to
produce a seance; the different forms of plasma; "going plasma" as a form of
practicing dying; swimming down the entropic stream of evolution; our
downfall as shamans is our resistance to change; Jacob's ladder; going
plasma as a necessary ability for entering the Work; and passing through the
barrier between matter and energy.
(mp3) $7.95
Using the American Book of the Dead for
(1 Disks)
(1976) How a Being feels about a body; the nature of illness from the standpoint of a Being's fear of the potential loss of the body; the use of the American Book of the Dead as a healing agent; the relationship between the experience of death and the
experience of illness; spiritual DNA -- a desire to have a preferred body/lifetime.
(mp3) $7.95
Origami I/Guidelines for the Practitioner
(1 Disks)
Side A: Origami I: This talk from 1971 centers on the Japanese paper-folding artform, Origami. The Zen Roshis, who use this art as a teaching tool, say "It's all in the folding and the unfolding." The result of the folding and unfolding is called the
material world, or Maya, which is the electromagnetic field upon which the Lord works. Origami is a way of teaching one how to work.
Side B: Guidelines for the Practitioner/Labyrinth Reader: This talk given in the early '70s explains for Transit Practitioners how to act appropriately in a variety of situations; potential trouble a Practitioner can get into and how to handle it; and
how to communicate with the family of the deceased. The talk stresses the point that a Practitioner never backs down from his or her ministry.
(mp3) $7.95
Voyaging Spaces
(2 Disks)
From 1974, this talk is centered on "clearing" material in the voyaging
space; the ability to reprogram, deprogram or program one's own existence.
Topics include: The "Primne" state -- the first awareness of self; the
"Pre-Rock" area -- an escape from the Prime State, the area of the
Primordial Being; the "Rock" -- an escape from the Pre-Rock area, the
persistent throught between the self and the Prime State, the center of the
Universe where no time exists and where it's always the same; and Genetic
Programs -- what Gurdjieff called influences and what Ouspensky called I's,
which are what get you devolved into the material universe (present time) by
putting as much distance between you and the Rock as possible.
(mp3) $12.95
Why Can't the Community Work Together?
(3 Disks)
This discussion from Steve Kunin's birthday 1988, focuses on several
questions of his: Why can't the community work as a team? Why is everyone so
sarcastic and disrespectful? Why does everybody have a "me first" attitude?
How does one find the school within the community? A valuable asset for
groups trying to work together and experiencing the usual difficulties.
(mp3) $17.95
Playing in Purgatory
(1 Disks)
Is an angel alone in its chamber? This talk addressed angelic invocation,
angelic posts, the Angelic Assembly, levels of angels and Archangels and how
they are formed; levels of cosmoses and evolution of higher bodies.
(mp3) $7.95
What Is A Saint?
(3 Disks)
From Meadow Vista, May 1, 1982. The meaning behind the phrase "Straight is the Gate and Narrow the Way" from the King James Bible is examined along with the true meaning of the word "saint." Saintly functions are explored, as well as the difference
between objective and subjective help.
(mp3) $17.95
Composite Waveform Technology
(2 Disks)
E.J. Gold, Jimmi Accardi, Evan Lurie, Claude Needham. This important talk
looks at music and sound from a very different point of view. Topics
include: beat frequency oscillation, subtractive frequencies, chord clash,
harmonic waveforms, modulated frequencies, resonance, phase shifting in
sound and light, photon echo, and the harmonic for all octaves -- viewing
the electromagnetic spectrum as the Cosmic Keyboard. E.J. demonstrates
waveform cancellation on the synthesizer.
(mp3) $12.95
Hooks (New Perceptions)
(2 Disks)
Dr. Claude Needham interviews Jimmi Accardi. This interview, recorded in The
Union Label Studios, includes many topics ranging from commercial musical
hooks to the periodic table of elements and Bardo hooks.
(mp3) $12.95
About Drumming
(1 Disks)
Bob Bachtold of the Jeff Spencer Trio with E.J. Gold, Robbert Trice, and
Claude Needham. Bob demonstrates and explains the different types of accents
and rhythms of the percussionist. Subjects covered are hand movement
variations; playing with different "feels"; timing and duration; patterns,
flams and pulses; pitch, timbre and volume; accenting hand strokes; single
and double stroke combinations; time signatures; counterpoint and
polyrhythms; and half-time triplets.
(mp3) $7.95
Helping E.J. In His Work
(1 Disks)
"If you can help me in my work, help comes to you." "It does not diminish a
candle in any way to light other candles from it." Talent, skills,
information, even aptitude for work are useless without conscience. "You
have to derive what the Work is from an observation of how it's done. So it
might take you more than a weekend..." These are glimpses of topics covered
in this 1985 talk which is only for serious candidates.
(mp3) $7.95
The Big Secret
(1 Disks)
"I will tell you the Big Secret...but in order to understand, you must be in an elevated state..." Many have read books on the Work, acquired work materials, performed the exercises, and still find there is an ingredient missing in their work. This
convention talk discloses what that ingredient is and how to get it.
(mp3) $7.95
Gateways Easter Commentaries
(3 Disks)
This set presents a running commentary on three music tapes by the composer, E.J. Gold, along with performer/choreographer Menlo Macfarlane, musicologist Nancy Christie and other staff and visitors to the work community. Full unedited recordings made during Easter 1985 celebration at the Institute.
Highly recommended as background for anyone giving presentations or marketing Gateways music.
(mp3) $17.95
Revenge of the Dark Nuts
(2 Disks)
E.J. Gold discusses how to use the video game Zelda for labyrinth training.
(mp3) $12.95
(1 Disks)
Side A: Begins with John and Toni Lilly discussing Earth Coincidence Control
Office during a visit to Red House in August, 1975. The next day, E.J. Gold
and Morgan Fox recorded a hilarious satire of this discussion, which
Side B: Mike McDonnell interviews John Lilly at his home in Decker Canyon,
Los Angeles, about his work with the Sensory Attenuation Tanks.
(mp3) $7.95
The Human Potential Movement
(3 Disks)
This public discussion between Claudio Naranjo and E.J. Gold kept the
audience in uproarious laughter, and gave them some thoughts to take home
and ponder. Is there such a thing as human potential? Tune in and see.
(mp3) $17.95
Cosmo Street 1970
(3 Disks)
This is the only recorded material from the Cosmo Street era. Tape recorders
were not allowed in these early meetings. This recording is available
because someone smuggled a tape recorder in. Warning -- inferior sound
quality, but very rare and collectible.
(mp3) $17.95
Pir Al-Wahshi's Bardo Preview
(2 Disks)
Pir Al-Wahshi a.k.a. E.J. Gold talks about extending one's lifespan for the Work, and how to bring oneself to the condition of being useful to the Work. He relates some of his experiences with his early teachers.
(mp3) $12.95
Labyrinth Voyager I (WWWC I-5)
(2 Disks)
This talk is the soundtrack from the original video tape by the same name. An opportunity to observe how questions reveal themselves - a study worth making.
(mp3) $12.95
Macrodimensional Models
(4 Disks)
This soundtrack is from the videotapes of the same name, VID024-026. This talk is an exploration of the ideas in the appendices toLife in the Labyrinth, a discussion of how macrodimensional voyaging can be understood in mathematical terms.
(mp3) $22.95
Alchemical Oils: an In-Depth Interview
(1 Disks)
Practical applications of the oils as they relate to work-on-self and learning obligation are discussed. Kelly Rivera has worked with Alchemical Gold oils since 1987 and explains their use as effective tools to translate work theory into work practice.
(mp3) $7.95
Don't You Want Samadhi To Love?
(1 Disks)
Glenn and Lee Perry, of Samadhi Tank Co., have worked with John Lilly and E.J. Gold, who also co-authored their book Tanks for the Memories. On this tape they share their experience with floatation tanks and how to use them.
(mp3) $7.95
The Invisible Work
(3 Disks)
(mp3) $17.95
The Medicine Wheel - Martin Silverwolf
(1 Disks)
This is an instructional talk to actually take you through the Medicine
Wheel process introducing the vast possibilities of the multiple ways with which to apply
the practice of "Turning the Wheel".
(mp3) $7.95
Slime Mold Technology - Drew Kristel
(1 Disks)
This talk focuses on the transformational and communication aspects related
to Slime Mold Technology. Through adoration and caretaking of these ancient
ancestors, we find a dynamic tool for alchemy and prayer.
(mp3) $7.95
The Tank Talks
(5 Disks)
In this series of talks Mr. Gold discusses biofeedback in the four major frequency bands (Beta, Alpha, Theta and the four Deltas), the use of the sensory deprivation tank to work with these states and the process of producing the between-lives experience using the tank. A second focus is the use and function of the tank, including a presentation of its use to reflect one's own essential nature and a startling revelation of the method for using that tank as a gateway to another world. Included in this series of talks is the tape "The Brute World on $5 a Day" (is also available individually). In this talk Mr. Gold openly discusses with a small private group the gateways leading from one world to another and the method for surviving sudden transitions between worlds.
(mp3) $27.95
How to Get a Work Question Answered - Convention 2003
(3 Disks)
(mp3) $17.95
Starting a Work Business - Convention 2003
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Work Business Demo - Convention 2003
(4 Disks)
At Convention 2003, E.J. Gold demonstrated numerous business ventures including working with high-end jewelry, dealing in antiquities, selling art and selling carpets all areas in which he has worked. He related stories and others contributed to reveal that the interaction with the customer was the key.{caption}
(mp3) $22.95
The Two Journeys of Gilgamesh
(1 Disks)
The legend of Gilgamesh is the most ancient recorded tale of a hero's journey. This Sumerian poem introduces themes found in later myths such as the Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Norse stories of journeys to the underworld. Dr. Naranjo tells the story with a commentary on its psychological and spiritual implications.
(mp3) $7.95
Oedipus Reconsidered
(2 Disks)
Claudio Naranjo takes a different perspective on this character type.
Includes comment by Dr. Abe Levitsky.
(mp3) $11.95
SlimeWars - E.J. reads the Missions
(30 Disks)
The author reads his magnum opus revealing an entirely different perspective on
planet Earth as viewed from the 37th century. Approximately 30 hours of mp3 on 3 disks
(mp3) $69.95
Slime Molds & the School
(2 Disks)
Claude Needham, Ph.D., explores slime molds as an esoteric "animal-like" plant, their telepathic nature, and their higher being functions in relation to the School.
(mp3) $12.95
The Enneagram of Patriarchal Society
(2 Disks)
Dr. Naranjo presents an innovative view of social pathologies by applying the enneatypes to aspects of culture, institutions, and nations. An expanded understanding of the enneagram marks this broad based talk and further confirms the fertility of the enneagram model. Lots of food for thought.
(mp3) $11.95
Life Cycle of a Slime Mold
(2 Disks)
Claude Needham, Ph.D., discusses the transformational life processes of slime molds with suggestions of experiments for the serious student.
(mp3) $12.95
Spiritual Gaming
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
(1 Disks)
Every year Christmas rolls around, like it or not. What do you do? You meet with friends and family, and notice there's just some folks that Seem to Have Everything. Still, Christmas is for them, too, you think, and sure enough every year you find yourself wandering around looking for something in your price range for Those Who Already Have It All, but would probably like more. (I heard recently of a company, perhaps related to the God-World-in-My-Pocket developers, who've gone ahead and put the Entire Known Universe up for sale... After that gets bought, I guess they'll put up some of the Unknown and Lesser Known Universes, and before long Christmas shopping will be worse than ever...)
However, even Those Who Have It All don't often have a God-World-in-My-Pocket, not even the Gods, who you'd think would've wised up by now, rather than walking around with empty pockets.
Luckily, in this fast paced talk, E.J. Gold solves the problem. Listen and learn as he presents ideas about marketing this unique product--which I recommend everyone buy TODAY from SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE--like from Cloister Recordings, whom I know has some sitting around here and there that've been collecting special etheric particles from the Etherical Particles Division of their corporation, just in case they run into one of those Recording Angels in charge of seasonal gift giving for various recording label gods and executives.
Once you've seen one of these Pocket Worlds for yourself, you'll sigh with relief at their delightful simplicity, and may want to try selling a few yourself, if not for profit, then perhaps in the Spirit of helping some of the wandering Gods out there find a way home for the holidays...
(mp3) $7.95
Slime Wars Talk
(1 Disks)
Are you a time-traveler? Then you are in for a treat as you sit in on this top secret meeting which took place in the late 20th century by high ranking 37th century time-tripper General EJ "Nunan" Gold, detailing some of his film plans for his famous book SlimeWars, a book beloved by Slime Molds everywhere as an early guidebook for humans about the war between Slime Molds and Grey Aliens. General Gold tells of the Great Mother Slime Mold, who began in a slop bucket underneath the White House, as well as mentioning how the Aliens encouraged the growth of humans in order to provide the Aliens with missing enzymes they needed, and to care for the Aliens' stock of bovine enzymes.
He also mentions the Slime Mold agenda which includes the important information to humans for avoiding the rampant 20th and 21st century phenomenon of Alien abduction and enzyme extraction. "We're interested in teaching humans how to be telepaths. Telepathy is the only defense against Alien abduction. If you want to be considered an intelligent species, you must be telepathic..." Otherwise, guess what? Abduction and enzyme extraction become normal operating procedure in the Grey's scheme toward global domination of Planet Earth.
So, time-traveler, where are you sitting? Is the great film classic "Slimewars" already downloaded to your screen? Do you already own the action figures set from the film--hard to find, and worth trillions on eBay? If so, then I know you'll enjoy hearing how it all started so long ago, back when slime mold operatives gathered to discuss their own plans and ideas for the fate of Planet Earth. If not, then by all means listen and may already be too late!
(mp3) $7.95
E.J. talks on Online Workshops
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
E.J. interviewed by Larry Roberts
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Heather Valencia - Her Work & Dream Circles
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Spiritual Marketing
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Being in Eternity
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Difference Between Work & Preparation for Work / Organizing Your Time
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Digging a Hole / Work Will - Convention 1999
(3 Disks)
Getting yourself "in trouble" provides the necessity for developing Work Will. E.J. demonstrates how this can be done.
(mp3) $17.95
Enneatypes in Homeopathy
(2 Disks)
Dr. Claudio Naranjo, a notable author in the field of psychology and voice in human potential movement, has conducted extensive psychopharmacological and personality research. An associate of Fritz Perls at Esalen Institute in the 1960's, he examines the Enneatypes and how this system may influence and relate to healing and the science of homeopathy.
(mp3) $12.95
DSM III & Enneatypes
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Online Invocation 101
(2 Disks)
In this talk, parallels are drawn between Work ideas in this world and in a gaming environment; an invocation in a circle and in an online environment; a "rush" in Diablo and a tap to the forehead by "Guru Ji"-- and why it would not do us any good; building characters in Diablo and building in "this life;" specializing in skills and not wasting skill points in game and in life. Also included: explanation about not only the "experience" points in Diablo, but also the "invisible experience" points that the player of the character gets; how we want to build up a character that we see that others have, or a character that will be admired as opposed to building what we "are;" comparison between a character we play well and one we play badly.
(mp3) $12.95
Enneagram of Society
(2 Disks)
In a rare West Coast appearance, June 2002 in Nevada City, CA, Dr. Claudio Naranjo joins E.J. Gold for a free-wheeling discussion of education and its institutions, possibilities for transforming individuals and society, and new book projects of both authors.
(mp3) $12.95
The Greatest Gift
(2 Disks)
This talk is essential listening for anyone approaching the study materials presented by Mr. Gold. The question, "What is the value of working with and in a group?" is examined from the vantage point of this diverse community of artists collectively working as "The Grass Valley Graphics Group." With revealing candor, Mr. Gold discloses exactly what he teaches and how he gets his will to work. Other topics include: One's Long Life as contrasted with Present Life, spaces difficult to enter and to avoid, and getting caught in eternal moments. . . And the Greatest Gift? Mr. Gold explains that. This talk is highly recommended for use in a discussion group. "Listen to it at home and then come in and discuss it in a group."
(mp3) $12.95
The Alarm Clock Talk
(2 Disks)
Using the analogy of training for the Bardo through the rigors of playing online video games, E.J. Gold reveals how to learn, in theory, bardo habits required for working as a group in the work. This training provides a foundation. However one needs a mechanism to remind one to engage attention, wake up and apply bardo habits in a practical setting. Gold shows how an alarm clock within one's ordinary life can be devised toward this aim. "I've always liked the idea of an alarm clock for awakening, but until I heard this talk, I never knew exactly how they worked," Pedro Gonzales, Ibiza Spain
(mp3) $12.95
The Making of the ABD - Part II
(2 Disks)
On December 6, 2002 Paul Barnes and Miguel Lopez, from Spain, interviewed E.J. Gold. They asked the questions and got the answers we all want to know. How do the teachings of the Books of the Dead relate to Bardo Gaming? How does one prepare for the last journey by computer gaming? If you were fortunate and heard the talk "The Making of the American Book of the Dead" recorded in the '70s in Vancouver, then you won't want to miss this one. "A wonderful bi-lingual romp, with full simultaneous translation (including jokes and puns) in both Spanish and English. Not to be missed. Listen to it again and again!" Patricia Elizabeth, Co-Director - Labyrinth Readers Society
(mp3) $12.95
Tools of Transformation - An Interview with E.J. Gold
(2 Disks)
During the December 2002 workshop several students from Spain came armed with questions from fellow group members in Europe to ask Mr. Gold. Producing artwork, working in business, fear of death, and being of service are topics covered in this interview. Mr. Gold explains how these diverse areas can all be used as tools for self transformation. Mr. Gold compares his role as a teacher to that of a coach. In this work the teacher "can not do it for you." Each one is responsible to pull oneself up by one's own boot straps.
(mp3) $12.95
Levels of Skill - A Talk to Senior Students
(1 Disks)
This talk explores through the analogy of gaming the patience required to work on self. Transformation is a process that takes attention and effort over a period of time. Changes are quickly apparent for the novice. For the senior student improved skill level manifests as a gradient over a much longer time.
(mp3) $7.95
The Answer is Only as Good as the Question
(10 Disks)
This Core Group Workshop was recorded Jan. 18 - 19, 2003. In order to work. . . You've got to really want it. Be willing to pay the price. Then pay the price. Once you've paid it's non-refundable. So you might as well take the ride. "An essence question. . .solves a problem in your Work." "The more immediate and troublesome the problem the more necessity and force you have."
(mp3) $57.95
Why Am I Doing This?
(1 Disks)
During a surprise appearance at the Feb. 2003 workshop E.J. Gold addresses the question "What does art and video gaming have to do with the Work?" Gold explicitly innumerates skills acquired by penetrating these 2 areas and how this process relates to conditions of work. He reveals the traps / illusions one can get lost in while following both of these paths. Furthermore, he explains what real penetration requires and how that relates to the Work.
(mp3) $7.95
How The Enneagram Works
(5 Disks)
In this dynamic workshop Mr. Gold looks at this unique figure of Sacred Geometry from several angles including where the Enneagram came from, how it works, and practical applications for using the Enneagram in daily life. The workshop begins by defining Sacred Geometry as the correlation of magical activity with geometric form and looks at the magical properties of the circle. It is stated that the Enneagram represents a musical scale, a musical notation system which leads to a thorough examination of the laws of the octave. These laws, which seem to govern all cyclic processes, are most easily understood by studying how they work in music. Knowledge of music theory is not required to grasp the basics of these principles. How sound waves interact and that this interaction, when viewed through the lens of the Enneagram, may be seen to be folding and unfolding like Japanese origami paper art or like a lotus flower folding in on itself. This lotus flower aspect of the Enneagram is said to be the remnants of a teaching that came through Tibet, Bhutan and Northern India some 10,000 - 20,000 years ago. It is similar to finding the jewel in the lotus.
(mp3) $27.95
Levitation, Invisibility & Immortality
(3 Disks)
This workshop explores basic issues of Being and Nothingness in a powerfully practical and extremely experiential fashion. It accomplishes this by framing it under the subject of invisibility and immediately gives the secret of invisibility as, "The living won't see the dead. Not can't see, but won't." This little nugget of wisdom is from Beetlejuice - a must see classic bardo video. Mr. Gold opens a door to bardo spaces by presenting the conclusion that - you must be dead to be invisible. The key is given as, "In order to be dead you have to be, at least, 'as if' not here at all. It has to be a world without you, a world in which you do not exist. As long as there's a crumb of ego, you can't be invisible. But as soon as you can see a world that you do not exist in, a world in which you are not, that's your crossover point - the world in which you don't exist, that's the first place you'll be existing. Until then, you 'as if' exist." Enigmatic as this may sound, it becomes even more enigmatic upon listening to the entire workshop. However, clues and exercises are given for a lifetime of follow-up work.
(mp3) $17.95
The Essence of Creativity
(2 Disks)
A.H. Almaas leads us on an inspired journey into the nature of creativity -- what is it? -- why is it so important to us? A lively Q&A session winds up this dynamic talk, including questions from the audience and from Almaas to Gold.
(mp3) $12.95
Secrets of Angelic Healing & Invocation
(3 Disks)
This workshop explores the basic questions: What is healing?; What is an angel?; What are the conditions of angelic invocation? Angelic contact is very personal. First, you need to want to make contact. Second, you can't be afraid. Third, you need to be totally open to all possibilities. Fourth, you don't have to believe in angels; you can be skeptical but not sarcastic or cynical. Fifth, approach angelic contact without superstition. Invocation of an angel is simply bringing two realities together and they never totally mesh. The realities can affect each other. How do you do it? You must sit and pay attention. When you are looking for it, it will work. Sitting together in a group gives you more power. Concentrate on being quiet and still. Instructions for a powerful exercise are given. The group works with this exercise, discusses their experiences and asks questions based on their experiences with angelic contact and the exercise given.
(mp3) $17.95
Astral Projection Workshop
(3 Disks)
Be prepared to have all beliefs and ideas about astral projection turned upside down and challenged by E.J. Gold in this workshop that emphasizes practical techniques over theory. Mr. Gold states flat out that, "almost everything you think you know about astral projection is probably wrong and most people who write about it don't know how it works. That fact that astral projection works is no big deal - this is the most important (thing) you can know because this will give you the key to what astral projection really is." Learning to flex your muscles as an essential being is the central theme of this workshop. Astral projection is the Being's way of breathing. Consistent daily exercise and practice is critical to success at any skill. You have, as a Being, the ability to manifest anywhere. Use it or lose it should be your motto related to your essential self. The principle along with a practical method to astral project is simply and clearly demonstrated. It's up to you to learn it and apply it. This is an exercise that can be utilized in a number of different situations. Later, this exercise is applied while drumming as a group. Drumming is a way to get out of body as a group. "You can train your essence to do what it does most naturally - exist without an organic form, exist apart from organic needs and involvements." This workshop will show you how.
(mp3) $17.95
The Bullet-Proof King
(4 Disks)
"You will forget all the vestiges of who you were, who you have been for this number of years. . .But you can preserve the best elements of it, and use the life in a particular way, by making your identity conform to what does survive. . .Little by little, a single organism. . .capable of accepting, tolerating, the invoked presence of a very, very powerful, very large being - an entity much greater than any single individual. . . ."
(mp3) $22.95
The Way of Perfect Service
(2 Disks)
This year, on his 63rd birthday, E.J. announced that for the evening he would give a talk on "The Way of Perfect Service." It began with dinner and opening presents in the dining room. The room overflowed and the standing guests were so crowded that the group spilled into the hallway trying to get a glimpse of the festivities. We then adjourned to the music studio to preview the first recordings of E.J. playing his new Gemeinhardt flute, a gift he wished to honor. Next, the group moved back to the house to set up chairs in the mood of anticipation about the talk to come. E.J. Asked for Jewel, who was in the kitchen preparing to serve the cake, to come and ask her birthday question. She explained that her everyday life was very busy and she wished for something more . . . to put her efforts toward being of meaningful sevice. Michele's birthday question was essentially the same. Both questions inevitably and quite naturally made a segue into the subject of perfect service.
(mp3) $12.95
The Secrets of Staying with the Pack of Green
(1 Disks)
It is said, "the secret keeps itself," in which case, it will need to work overtime to stay a secret after one listens to this talk. E.J. Gold, along with Claude Needham, reveal the secret of how to "stay with the pack of green." The simple and direct method given in this talk has immediate practical application in the ongoing Bardo Safaris. Many practical examples are discussed as well as the general theory. With these simple instructions your Bardo Safaris are sure to go up a notch. Bam! And let us not neglect the obvious implications for one's daily bardo work. Whether you run with the pack in Bardo Safaris, or not, this is a must listen if you want to do more than run around in circles for the rest of your life. Many real life applications of these principles. . .
(mp3) $7.95
Get the Edge
(1 Disks)
Legitimate strategies that you can employ to make yourself a winner every time. Team-friendly ploys, gimmicks and gaffs that will make you the best team or solo player that you can be. Many trade secrets given here.
(mp3) $7.95
Mercs and Money
(1 Disks)
The Mercenary is the second most important weapon. Here's how to generate enough money to keep your Merc alive and leveling and which Merc is best for you.
(mp3) $7.95
Druid Secrets
(1 Disks)
Here at last is what every Druid young or old ought to know. Secrets of Druid builds revealed by Gorebag (E.J. Gold) & Xxaxx (Claude Needham). The elemental Druid is E.J.'s specialty and if you are ever rushed by him it will probably be by his elemental Druid. The elemental Druid is second only to the Hammerdin when properly built.
(mp3) $7.95
Character Classes
(1 Disks)
Everything you've ever wanted to know about character classes but were afraid to ask . . . and with good reason.
(mp3) $7.95
Magic Find for Fun & Profit Level 1 - Preparing to Begin to Get Ready to Start
(1 Disks)
Everything you never needed to know about magic find isn't contained in this talk. If you've ever wanted to seriously exercise the discipline, patience, and discernment necessary for serious and effective magic find you might consider psychiatric treatment which you will surely need after listening to this talk. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. But we're sure we'll be satisfied with your money.
(mp3) $7.95
The Five Points
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
The Mystery of Skill Points
(2 Disks)
When assigning skill points you bet on your life. Make sure you bet on the winning numbers.
(mp3) $12.95
Pro Hell Gamer I
(1 Disks)
If you're in hell and you hope to be a pro gamer you need this CD, and you need it now.
(mp3) $7.95
Pro Hell Gamer II
(1 Disks)
If you think the material in Pro Hell Gamer I was pure dynamite, just wait til you get a hold of this!
(mp3) $7.95
How To Accept a Pro Rush
(1 Disks)
Revealing how to take the posture of a professional bardo runner, this talk also examines the specific elements of a pro rush as well as the attitude needed to be able to accept or give one. Highly recommended for in-depth study.
(mp3) $7.95
How Not to Be a Noob Even Though i r one
(1 Disks)
Nobody likes to be called a noob. Here are the basic things you need to know to look like a pro player even at level one.
(mp3) $7.95
Security / Insecurity
(2 Disks)
Working with the formulation "Security is not the cure for insecurity," Mr. Gold examines issues of fundamental insecurities and presents an amazingly simple method for handling them enmasse. Lee Lozowick and some of his senior students contribute to this poignant discussion along with several members of the Core Group. Insecurity is dispassionately viewed here as a disease or an addiction. Consequently there is valuable information given on overcoming any addiction.
(mp3) $12.95
The Work Is Greater Than Yourself
(1 Disks)
This talk clearly delivers the "bottom line" on the attitude required for working in the Work - one's situation in a Work life. Gold also presents a Bardo Training tool which gives us the opportunity to transmute the "life" habits into "work" habits, habits that before now were completely invisible. In the Bardo Training we see how we live our lives, how we handle the sudden ambushes of the Labyrinth, and how we are able to work in a group. Bardo Training also provides, in a fun and safe way, the opportunity to bring ourselves in line with the Work self we wish to build.
(mp3) $7.95
Movements Workshop 2005 - Excerpts, Jokes, Anecdotes
(4 Disks)
In the course of presenting a workshop Mr. Gold will often include jokes, anecdotes and data apparently tangential to the subject at hand. These asides may be as valuable as the course itself. This collection presents highlights of additional material from the 2005 Movements Workshop. Here you will find a wealth of information and advice on setting up an online Work business as well as much information not given elsewhere. Additionally, these CDs communicate the atmosphere of the workshop space and provide a clear dispatch of current Institute activity.
(mp3) $22.95
Using the Book Bardo Stations
(1 Disks)
E.J. Gold discusses with Claude Needham and the core group how to use the book Bardo Stations - a blueprint or map of the Bardos. Specific viewpoints are offered to hold and examine as one reads the book and notates impressions on the "Notes" pages. The reader can start connecting up to the between-lives state and start breaking down the barrier put in place by organic life. Everything in life wants you to be responding to that which is of the body - basically survive, transform food to pooh. If you assign too much significance to this you will lose the ability to find the more important things. The Bardos are like many dimensions, alternative realities, that you thread your way through. Comparisons are drawn between the Bardos and situations arising in Bardo Safaris with suggestions on how to learn from these experiences.
(mp3) $7.95
What You Need to Know for Bardo Safari - Convention 2005
(2 Disks)
During the convention in 2005 E.J. Gold guided Cynthia through elementary Bardo Training. Through this interactive demonstration what you need to know for Bardo Safaris is identified. Gold reveals the secret of exactly why Bardo Training is a practical tool.
(mp3) $12.95
Convention 2005 Highlights
(4 Disks)
(mp3) $22.95
The Drowning Pool
(2 Disks)
You can't cheat an honest man; never smarten up a chump; never give a sucker an even break. These are the three laws of marketing from the wiseacre, W.C. Fields. E.J. Gold with a small group acknowledges the truth of these three laws and on the other hand considers how to find the people who really need the School. The real problem is you want to work. So you prepare to work and then you go to work. Listening to this talk one recognizes the depth of this real problem along with awakening the conscience to the question - How can those who have this real problem find the School?
(mp3) $12.95
Vajra Lightning Meditation
(1 Disks)
E.J. Gold gives the basics on the Vajra Lightning Meditation. No one can initiate you. You must initiate yourself. The Vajra Lightning Meditation is a flash / burn method of burning off Karma. All initiation comes as a result of Work you have done on yourself. It always comes from your own efforts. The Vajra Lightning Meditation is a lightening. It is also a degree of enlightenment. The easiest enlightenment to achieve. You come to a school with a history - your trophies. Gold reveals a technique to use for letting go, lightening your load. Recommended listening prior to taking The Vajra Meditation Workshop.
(mp3) $7.95
Vajra Lightning Meditation Workshop
(3 Disks)
Vajra Lightning Meditation is a flash / burn method of burning off Karma, an initiation that comes as a result of work you have done on yourself, always from your own efforts.
(mp3) $17.95
The Magi's Gift
(3 Disks)
(mp3) $17.95
Experimental Meditation 1
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Experimental Meditation 2
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
You Can Be Had
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Erotic Spirit Dance
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
ESD #2
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
ESD #3
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ESD #4
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
ESD #5
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Leslie-Ann Comedy
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ESD #6
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Spiritual Game Theory
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Online Gaming / Astral Projection
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Player Character Relationship
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Identification with the Machine Char
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ESD #7
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ESD Zero
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
The Nature of Voyaging
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Spiritual Investment Portfolio
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Instant Karma
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Life Repair / Bardo Running Secrets
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Gorebag's Theorem
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Sneaky Method and ESD
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Meddling In Meteorites
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Meteorites & Their Uses
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ESD Core Group Workshop #25
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ESD Core Group Workshop #26
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Meteorites & Alchemcial Gold
(3 Disks)
(mp3) $17.95
You Can Spellcast
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Getting Through the Night
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
What's Going On With Casino Magic
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Casino Magic Demo
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Leslie-Ann Comedy Routine
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Casino Magic #2
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Magical Studio Dorje Workshop Sunday Morning
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Talk on Circuit Boards
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Invocation of Presence
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
How to Throw Your Voice, Fun at Parties
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Intro to Remedial Attention
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Laws of Magic
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
You Can Bead - Intermediate
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Being Professional
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Diablo 2 Demo
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
GODD Game Demo
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
D2 Rushing Demo
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Working in the Waking State Introductory Talk
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Just Desserts Workshop
(3 Disks)
(mp3) $17.95
Bardotown Orb Demo
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
International Intensive You Can Paint Class
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
International Intensive Closing Discussion
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Blueline Demo (Mini Workshop #50)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Blueline Lesson for Simon (Mini Workshop #51)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Potter Game Demo (Mini Workshop #52)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Bardotown & Potter Game Demo (Mini Workshop #53)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Working in the Waking State #2
(6 Disks)
(mp3) $32.95
Wiki Blueline Demo (Mini Workshop #54)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
G.O.D.D. Updates (Mini Workshop #55)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
What is Game Design (Mini Workshop #56)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
ABC's of Water Colors (Mini Workshop #58)
(8 Disks)
(mp3) $42.95
Water Color Class (Mini Workshop #59)
(2 Disks)
Load Brush / Paint & Line
(mp3) $12.95
Water Colors (Mini Workshop #60)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Antime Yoga (Mini Workshop #61)
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Gorby's Wandworks (Mini Workshop #62)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Understanding Radiation (Mini Workshop #64)
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Staff Kits & Wand Business (Mini Workshop #65)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Waking in the Working State
(7 Disks)
(mp3) $37.95
Ritual Chamber, Setup & Activation
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Blueline Academy (Mini Workshop #66)
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Waking State Ritual (Mini Workshop #67)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Iron Age Ojects / Blueline Academy (Mini Workshop #69)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Celtic Mythology in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Mask & Ritual in the Iron Age
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Iron Age Objects and Sacred Sites
(1 Disks)
(mp3) $7.95
Scrapbooking (Mini Workshop #70)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Class Ideas / Possible Classes (Mini Workshop #71)
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Drawing Class - Figure / Ground
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Drawing #2 - Page 11 Exercise
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Drawing Class 3 Domain Solitaire
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Charcoal Class
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Drawing #4 Dutch Master Landscapes
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Ritualizing the Waking State Drawing as Meditation
(4 Disks)
(mp3) $22.95
Drawing a Tree
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Drawing a Tree Exercise #2
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Drawing Class at Ben Franklin's
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Mysteries of Still Life
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Still Life #2
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
Art Class - Values
(2 Disks)
(mp3) $12.95
The Transference Talk
(2 Disks)
What Can You Do When You're Facing Death
(mp3) $12.95
Gratitude Attitude Workshop
(9 Disks)
The workshop was a huge success.
So much so that people have request audio of the two days so they
can review it over (and perhaps over) again.
These 9 1/2 hours of audio are available as instant download.
The file format is MP3.
(mp3) $34.95